Analytics and content “cleanliness” services that identify overspam and other errors help to emerge victorious from this situation. We'll tell you what over optimization is what services to use to check content and how to correct the situation by returning lost positions to the page. Filter for over optimization what is it? Re optimization is work aimed at adjusting pages one or all to certain keywords in order to reach the top. The search engines yandex and google have a very negative attitude towards re optimization applying penalties to violators pessimization in which positions are lowered not for one key but for a group of words or phrases.
After pessimization the page no longer appears in searches which affects organic traffic. To combat over optimization the yandex search engine uses a special baden baden algorithm google uses panda but the principle of their operation is similar. Please note that yandex and google mobile app development service filters do not work synchronously. If a filter is applied in one search engine this does not mean that pessimization has occurred in the second. How to determine that an article page is on the first page of a searchincognito mode optimization of text content is carried out to promote the site by keywords increase the audience and attract organic traffic.
Today such a strategy is not very effective times are changing search engines take into account hundreds of parameters when ranking sites from user factors to the presence of an adaptive version. Optimization is not the first item on the list of important parameters. Many articles that have not been optimized end up on the first page of the search which is due to the practical benefit for users expertise and other factors. To check single queries that are not geo dependent it is worth performing a manual search having previously turned on the “incognito” mode.